As the only Gen-Z member of CommLinks, I realized the generation gap in the workplace is real. I learned quickly that most people out in the “real world” strongly dislike Google Docs. Imagine that! Why does our school system not tell us this?!
After graduating this May, my first experience working in a professional setting out of college has been nothing short of amazing. I have more stability in my life for the first time ever. It feels weird not having any homework or cram studying. Once I leave the office at 5 p.m., I can do whatever I want. The freedom is extremely satisfying and my favorite part about adulting. However, there is a big learning curve when making the transition to become a contributing member of society. Like finding the will to not have ice cream for lunch and dinner every day when my mom isn’t there. And it didn’t take me long to realize how adulthood is one big improv show where everybody is just ad-libbing as they go about their day.
Thanks to the Cronkite School, I felt ready and prepared to go out into the real world. Except I can’t seem to figure out how to iron my clothes properly; they don’t teach you that in college either. Despite that, it’s great to be able to take what I have learned over the course of four years at Cronkite and apply it to the real industry. The experience has been new and exciting for me as I kickstart my career in PR. If I could tell people one thing that was positive about the pandemic, it would be learning to be more adaptive and roll with the punches. I feel super fortunate to even have a job that’s related to my major, in all honesty!
The hardest part about my job is waking up every morning at 6:30 a.m. But my favorite part of the job is getting to work with the WM Phoenix Open and promote one of the most unique, famous golf events in the world. It is truly an honor to be a part of something bigger than myself and contribute to a world-class event with such rich history. I tell my Tinder dates (yup, that’s a thing) I do work for the WM Phoenix Open and their eyes immediately get wider, and they start paying more attention to me. Just having a big boy job now has helped me get way more matches! No longer am I living on the college budget. Compared to my Top Ramen dinners in college, it feels good knowing I can finally take a girl out on a legitimate date and not In-N-Out.
The gang at Communication Links has welcomed me with open arms and has honestly treated me like family. It helps working with such a close-knit group that really utilizes the power of teamwork and bouncing off each other’s ideas. The fact I’m given a seat at the table within months of working here makes me feel valued and respected. There are times in the office when I almost need to pinch myself because I think I’ve got it too good. I mean, c’mon. How many jobs let you golf on your first day of work?