We-Ko-Pa Golf Club Saguaro Course Hole No. 11
Photo by Lonna Tucker
All of us who play the game are familiar with our annual Arizona golf overseeding ritual. Sometimes painfully so. With so many of our golf course clients’ venues going through the overseeding process in September and October, we’ve become attuned to the necessity of the process. And, we understand the inevitable grousing that comes along with it.
The fact is many everyday golfers don’t know much about overseeding. They do know their favorite courses will be closed sometime in the early fall for a couple of weeks, and afterwards all golfers will be restricted to golf carts on paths for another few weeks after that.
How Golfers Prepare for Arizona Golf Overseeding
We all dig deep in our over-packed garages, attics or storage units to find our featherweight Sunday bags. We dust off the underused push carts and add some oil to the squeaky wheels. Worst case, we resign ourselves to lugging a number of clubs, a wet towel to clean off the mud, laser range finder, and grass seed bottle to our golf ball’s ultimate landing position.
It’s been our experience that during the post-overseeding cart path only period, 92% of all golf shots land on the opposite side of the fairway from where we park our golf carts! We’re not sure it’s a scientifically proven theorem, but our 30 years experience around the golf business says it’s true. So, it’s important to get in tip-top shape for those extra few thousand steps you’ll walk each round because of cart path only rules. View that as a positive side-benefit of overseeding and perhaps you’ll come to enjoy it. Well, maybe not.
We-Ko-Pa Golf Club’s Player Assistance Coordinator recently sat down with AZ Golf Insider, a publication of the Arizona Golf Association, to take the mystery out of the overseeding season here in the Sonoran Desert. If you’ve ever wondered about the whys and hows of this annual activity, here’s your chance to learn everything and more — perhaps much more — than you ever wanted to know.
The article will provide you with loads of fun facts to talk about with your partners on the first tee. And, enjoy that lush, green Winter Rye. It’s one of the true joys of playing golf in Arizona.