New year, new me…it seems I hear that tired trope from people every single year about this time. Generally it lasts maybe until the curtain falls on the Super Bowl (Can I say that?). Still I admire its optimism. If only change were that easy. Fortunately or unfortunately, it isn’t. Change is hard. And, after 2020, don’t we all know it?
We had change in spades. I won’t rehash it. In fact, rather than lament it, I’m going the other way. Sure change sucks, but I’m ready to embrace the suck as they say. It’s like when I turned 50. My sister jokingly said, “Man, you’re getting old.” I replied, “Yep, but it beats the alternative.” I see this season of change the same way. I have two choices. I can resist and stagnate or I can embrace it and evolve.
Up until about 10 months ago, 80 percent of my job was media relations. Today, it might be 10. But thankfully, we’ve adapted and found ways to keep the lights on. Our clients have done the same. While stressful, helping them make the most of the opportunities that arise as the world rushes to once again find its center is exciting and one of the more rewarding phases of my career.
I have no idea what the next year will bring. Heck, I’m not even sure what I’m having for dinner. But, I’m ready to adapt, learn and come out all the better for it. I’m sure you are too. See you on the flipside.