One of my all-time favorite quotes is from erudite philosopher Mike Tyson: “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.” Having spent a little time in the ring, I know the truth of this gem. The things you “meant to do” tend to be forgotten once your bell gets rung. So, it’s all the more impressive when someone is able to stick to a plan despite adversity. There are few better examples of this than Barbuda Ocean Club.
The club always intended to enhance life on Barbuda for everyone. However, back in 2017 when Barbuda Ocean Club was in its infancy, the island was hit with a haymaker of a hurricane named Irma. The blow was devastating. The project should’ve been down for the count, and no one would’ve blamed developers Discovery Land Company and Peace Love Happiness Partnership if they had thrown in the towel. But the club struggled to its feet, driven by the only thing that can save a fighter in such circumstances…heart.
Today, Barbuda Ocean Club is back stronger than ever and is working hard to keep its promises to Barbuda. Despite the blows inflicted by Irma and the ongoing global pandemic, Barbuda Ocean Club has continued to make significant contributions to the economy, environment and social fabric of Barbuda. These include:
Promises Kept
- Distributing “BOC Cares” packages, containing staple items and necessities to more than 150 local families.
- Working with local authorities to supply fresh water to 35 families during the dry season while working to increase fresh water storage on the island from 2,400 to 100,000 gallons.
- Donating a mobile “Clinic in a Can” facility to provide needed medical services to Barbuda families while the local hospital is rebuilt.
- Providing full-time employment and job training to approximately 75 Barbuda residents with plans to increase the number of employed to 100 by January.
- Supplying equipment and labor to help continue the cleanup of debris left in Irma’s wake.
- Donating surplus vegetables grown by the club’s organic farm to up to 75 local families
- Sponsoring an annual subscription to an online literacy program for the students of The Holy Trinity Primary School.
- Donating materials to help in the restoration Barbuda’s historic horse track, a key community gathering point.
- At Christmastime, the Club will provide locals with hams and turkeys donated by club members.
To learn more about the ways Barbuda Ocean Club is working to enhance life on Barbuda, visit the Barbuda 1 Team 1 Dream website. Click the button below.