Fridays are special here at Communication Links. Most Fridays, the Communication Links team gets together over soda pop, craft beer and Jameson to discuss some important matters. Sometimes our Friday happy hours are brainstorm sessions to come up with the next big idea for our clients. Sometimes it’s simply a way to connect with each other so we work better together as a team, and other times it’s over a rousing game of Cards Against Humanity to decide – once and for all – who is the most horrible person in the office! But regardless of what we discuss, it’s always fun and always beneficial, and now you can get an inside look into the inner workings of our team.
Last week’s Friday Happy Hour at Commlinks we discussed golf industry clichés and how much we can’t stand them.
We recently heard a radio commercial here in the Valley of the Sun for a golf course which will remain nameless. The spot ran on a major broadcasting station, meaning it was an expensive buy, but the script had numerous golf clichés clearly written by a group of people who have never set foot on a golf course.
Just in case you’re in the position to write copy or shoot video for a golf course commercial, radio spot or content piece, keep these words/ideas in mind and never – ever – use them.
- “Strategically placed cart paths”
- My goodness, we hope your cart paths were strategically placed and not paved over the middle of the fairway.
- “Greenside bunkers”
- Have you ever played a course without greenside bunkers? Neither have we!
- “Every club in the bag”
- The phrase means pretty much “fun to play”. Just say that.
- “Teeboxes for every player”
- Every course you’ll play has teeboxes for every caliber player. It’s not special.
- “Nestled”
- We’re tired of this synonym for “close to”
- “Championship Course”
- We’re not sure what this means, but it might mean you’ve held championship-caliber golf events. Have you?
- “For players of all abilities”, “for the high and low handicap player”, or our favorite “for the professional and amateur alike”
- Come on, people!
- Unknown architects
- If laymen don’t know the designer, your customers won’t know – or care to know – either
- People putting with golf glove on
- Fastest way to prove you don’t know what you’re talking about
- Golf hole images without the flag
- You’re making your golf course look like a park
Needless to say, we had some fun with this one. Do you have any we might have missed at Commlinks Friday Happy Hour?